Welcome to the registration page for participating at the 7th Annual Professional and Scientific Conference "Health of Working-Age and Older Adults".
Your registration will become effective only after the payment of the conference fee will be received.
Conference fee is due to be paid by 30 August 2024. For more information about the conference fees and payment methods please see the conference webpage https://www.healthconference.fvz.upr.si/conference-fees.html
It is not necessary to apply for the participation at the conference before submitting the abstract. You will register after your abstract has been confirmed as accepted by the Conference Scientific Committee.
The abstract should be submitted electronically as a Word document to the following e-mail address: conference@fvz.upr.si
Dobrodošli na strani za prijavo na 7. letno strokovno in znanstveno konferenco z mednarodno udeležbo "Zdravje delovno aktivnih in starejših odraslih". Konferenca bo potekala v prostorih UP FTŠ - Turistice v Portorožu.
Vaša prijava na konferenco je potrjena s plačilom kotizacije.
Zadnji rok plačila kotizacije je 30. avgust 2024. Več informacij o višini kotizacije in podatkih za nakazilo najdete na konferenčni spletni strani https://www.healthconference.fvz.upr.si/kotizacija.html
Povzetek se odda v elektronski obliki (.doc) na
e-naslov: conference@fvz.upr.si
Za oddajo povzetka se ni potrebno predhodno registrirati na konferenco, registrirali se boste po potrditvi povzetka s strani programskega odbora konference.